The digital era.

The digital era


Every morning waking up, the first thing we do nowadays is check our phones. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other social media platform, the things we look at in the morning are consisted of digital images. I, myself, consider my daily routine as a digital based one, not because I spend all my time on the phone but because everything I do is related to some sort of digital device: my work is on a computer, my pictures on a camera, even my watch has a connection to the digital era. But is it necessarily a bad thing? And does it prevent us from anything?


The cliché things that grandparents tell their grandchildren is that ‘’when they were younger’’ things were way different. They would spend their days outside, visit more, be more productive. I’ve heard those stories before but for my grandparents, technology is something they want to learn and need in their life. My grandmother is a proud owner of a couple of digital products, and she is constantly trying to learn more about what’s coming next and what the newest trends are. My grandfather too is on his way to get in touch with the digital era, opening up Facebook and Instagram accounts, and spending hours trying to upload a picture and understand where the picture actually goes. I think it is crucial for them to understand these because they want to be a part of this modern age, and adapt to what is going on around them. But those two are my mom’s parents.

My father’s parents grew up in a small village in Turkey, and now live in another one. They don’t have smart phones or Wi-Fi in their house, something most of us cannot even imaging living without. But that’s how they were their whole life. And it’s not because they are not on social media that they’re ignorant, which is something that is used to say justify the excessive usage of our phones. They know more than most people, and they adapt in their own way.


So I because of them I think that as long as a person is open to learn, nothing will stand against them.

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