The Case

This first Project was about adding value to an object we use every day.

My object was my glass case, an object that I had to have with me every day, everywhere I went. I wanted to change it into something practical, that me or any other woman have with her every day and everywhere she went.



Everything that was in and around the previous case was removed, the outside was covered with recycled suede leather, the inside lined with the same leather and compartments made with recycled cardboard and pleather.
















The first ideas I had were to make a sewing kit, or ring/earring holder, but my idea changed when I was told to look into Miranda July, an American artist that collaborated with Welcome Companions to create a humorous bag that held little objects such as one almond in case of low blood sugar, a bobby-pin compartment or even a little USB stick for ultra top secret project.










And so, I changed my sunglass case into The Case, the little box that every woman should carry.

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