Networks Project

Project Pitch:

I decided to connect my Networks project to my Studio project based around a social media and urban design campaign to help solve the problem of flash flooding in NYC. I believe that AR will help make it easier to get my message across easier to the general public and give them more incentive to sign the petition and support the change.



The above storyboard displays the series that the AR will follow once someone has scanned the image/barcode linked to it. I believe that this sequence can help viewers get a clearer idea of how signing the petition and helping make the change can change the city and make life better for all NYC residents.



I watercolor painted and image traced my marker for the AR piece to showcase what a bioswale looks like in the context of the city. After having attempted to create this same illustration on Adobe illustrator, I realized that the marker needed to look more organic and hand-made in order to better fit my own personal vocabulary, to contrast the AR piece and how technology-based it is, and to give my audience a more realistic feel of what a bioswale would feel like to have on the streets of NYC.



As per my storyboard, I started designing a forest setting with a lake using Sketchup and brought it into Blippar using a .fbx converter to transform my 3D design into an augmentable structure. However, a lot of complications arose with this model due to certain elements not processing and being brought into Blippar.

Following this, I decided to create an animation in place of an AR piece but to later bring the animation into Blippar so that it could be viewed and accessed as an AR piece. After starting I soon learned that the animation better fit my storyline, solving a lot of the complications I initially met.

Progress video renderings from Photoshop Video animation:

Initial efforts


Establishing the two storylines


Adding the solution and giving more context to the work

Finished piece without sound


Finished piece with sound – I found that audio helps establish the settings better and helps viewers better understand what is going on in the animation


Marketing Plan:


Final work in conjunction with Urban Design Project & Social Media Campaign:

I thoroughly enjoyed this project and loved the fact that I got to further two different ideas by combining them into one. I was able to design the solution of bioswales for flash floods in NYC, and further this concept to enable it to be easily spread and communicated using an animation/AR that linked to a social media campaign.


Video of the final project detailing research, progress, the model, instructions to the AR, and more:

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