Museum Triptych Project- Drawing and Imaging:Body

Our first major project in Drawing and Imaging was to create a self portrait through a cultural piece found at the Metropolitan Museum along with four of our own personal objects. We began by going to the Met where we were assigned to pick a three dimensional piece that reflects our culture. I chose a statue of a buddha found in the southern region of Asia.



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I enjoy the movement that emanates through this piece and I appreciate the intricate design and detail that is presented within this sculpture.

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Above is the sketching process of the objects I chose.

Along with this statue, I chose to include: my pair of glasses, my wallet, my bracelet and my watch

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We first did a contour line drawing of our pieces. This was my first time doing a contour drawing for a project so it was challenging for me to adjust to this technique and way of drawing. In my piece, I wanted to emphasize on this idea of never-ending movement. I wanted the objects to intertwine with one another.


From there, we had to create another piece playing with positive and negative space. When I first did this, I created a piece that was the exact copy (not knowing we were supposed to come out with a different combination for the second piece) so it turned out like this.

Drawing and Imaging-negative

As you can see, there was a lot of white space since many of my objects overlapped one another. So I created my second positive/negative piece.

drawing and imaging 2

I had a lot of difficulties with this project. Although it was fun, I had a lot of trouble working with Illustrator, I had a lot of fun drawing by hand but when it came to working digitally… not so much.

For the final portion of the project, we had to work with value. Here is the original sketch of my value drawing

Value Drawing

And with many bumps along the way, I was able to create my final value piece using the pen tool, adding shapes and working with different value ranges on illustrator.

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Here I am presenting my final ensemble!

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All in all, this project allowed me to expand and gain experience not only with the drawing skills I have been equipped with already but digital skills that will come in handy in the future. I enjoyed working with the variety of techniques that were shown in class and I thoroughly enjoyed creating this personal piece.


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