Intro to Fashion Studies-Learning Portfolio #1

I agree with Christopher Breward’s aphorisms on fashions studies, and how he views them. I believe that fashion is not all about what you wear, and what labels you own, it is about expressing yourself and how you view fashion. As a child I was taught that fashion was not really a form of art, and then maturing and finding my identity I think my perception changed a lot. Today in society, we are very focused on the media, and how celebrities portray style. I believe that the younger generation is focused on what the Kardashians are wearing, and don’t really understand the history of fashion and the concept behind it. I like in the article how it says, “fashion students across the world are encouraged to believe, in the delusional mirage of star designers, the catwalk show, and the luxury brand. It berates the narcissistic cult of celebrity that places individualism above the community. It bemoans the loss of skill and an understanding of the value of craft that has destroyed the European textile industry, and regrets the exploitation of labor and natural resources in low-wage regions.” When reading this, it proves exactly what I was saying, we need to stop focusing on designers and labels, and focus on the garment, and the actual art of fashion.

What is a Meal?

A meal can be anything you want it to be, it can be something small, or it can be something extravagant. When analyzing the word meal, I believe people always associated it with something that is very nice, and relates to people of high socio-economic status. But when really thinking about it, it can be something as small as easy mac and cheese. Food does not have to be luxurious and I believe that social media has portrayed food to be this activity, and people are constantly posting pictures about food and what they are eating. For example, people will choose a specific restaurant and eat there because it has a pretty wall, and the food looks ascetically pleasing.

As humans we need food to survive, and I don’t believe that we should always feel the need to post about our food. I believe I struggled with food and social media for a long time, in high school when Instagram blew up I felt that I had to go to the nicest restaurants, and post the most beautiful looking food, and I wasn’t really appreciating the meal itself. I was so focused on the exact angle I wanted, rather than enjoying the savory and yummy food in the moment. All I am saying is: enjoy the food you eat and live in the moment.

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