• 2 Mandalas made based on my personality and lifestyle. One digital, One analog.

16 Personalities Test

We’ve been asked to do the 16 personalities test, and it turned out I’m the kind of ENTERTAINER (ESFP-T), which is someone who’s really outgoing and somehow very sensitive. 

16 personalities

I started my mandala by thinking of who I am now, and who I was before. Personally, I do believe there is two kind of personality lived inside my body, one is the outside me where everybody can see, another me is the real me that I’m always hiding from other people.

After got inspired by the Rubin museum of Art Rubin Museum Trip, I want to create something really relate to the traditional mandala art piece and a complete different kind of texture for digital mandala as to present the dreamy part of me.


I decided to made my mandala’s background as white, because all the colourful print can be shown and stand out on the black paper. Basically, I had three parts of my handmade mandala, one is the corners on left side, one is the corners on right side and the other is the middle part of the mandala.

Progress Man.Handmade1I started to sketch by using geometric shape in the middle and made it through the side. Then, I started to add more details to made the complete mandala. I decided to used black paper as background to made  other colors stand out easily. The complex texture inside the square and on the side were the story about my life. How complicated it was and how I think it will be in the future. Progress Man.Handmade3

This is the complete first draft of my handmade mandala. The idea of using circle on the right side corners was to show the meaning of life-(No matter what happen, all things ends in a good way.) The flower on the left side corners was representing the growth of mankind-(As we grow older, we experienced more and blossom to show others). I used square as my centre shape because I want to show the idea of how life is hard some times (sharp edges). Progress Man.Handmade4 Progress Man.Handmade6Progress Man.Handmade5

Additionally, I used Gold and Silver as my colour when I painted it. The colour represent the bold and out standing personality I have. Also, I mixed gold and silver in between to make it as one.

Progress Man.Handmade7

This is the final version of Handmade Mandala. The golden frame(out layer) is to show the idea of how fancy the outside world is, and how I protect myself from the crowed. That’s why I also used the silver colour as my inner layer. Lastly, the whole handmade mandala is a way representing myself in painting, and also searching for answer along the way.


My digital mandala was based on my dreamy, childish fantasy world that I always believed in. I personally love Unicorn, I believed they are the kind of creature that can protect you and brings you luck. I made my digital mandala by using 2D triangles and made them visualise 3D.  screen-shot-2016-10-15-at-4-04-09-pmThis is the process of making visualise 3D figure in 2D shape. The idea of putting two unicorns in the middle is to show the two sides of me. Which I coloured them in Black and White
The coloured version gave two different unicorn figure to represent the angel and devil. The rainbow colour around is to show the fantasy outside world.

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When I was making the progress through my final version, I started to figure out my first draft was too empty, so I decided to add more as background, and coloured them in another way. Thus, I came up with this two versions of mandala. Which one was is white line, and the other was black line. I used the unicorns to represent myself and the idea of putting one side darker than the other is to show the difference between two unicorns. Also to notice that Angel and Devil can be really controversial when it comes to one figure.


However, I choose to mixed the two version above and make it into one. So that the idea of pure white and pure black can be shown in the art work. Additionally, it really made the mandala looks abstract and contrast.


Furthermore, the idea of making Memory Mandala based on our personality really helped me developed myself to the next level of learning. I tried to work with illustration and photoshop, even though it was’t working at the first time, but it turn out great in the end. Especially when you try to put your childhood memory and personal experience in the work, it gives the spirit to your art work. Finally, the project has been a great opportunity, I wish I could done more with it. 🙂

Welcome to my world.

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