Project 2: Peer to Peer – Profile and Intra-View

Project 2: Peer to Peer – Profile and Intra-View

Peer to Peer Portrait books: One profile book about Leyla based on my interview. One Intra-View book about both of us based on the similarity that we learned from each other. Both books have 8 pages and contain text and images.

wechatimg11This is the overview look of my Profile Book of Leyla (my partner)





When I get to know Leyla closer, I found she is not that kind of girl I thought she was. People seen her as a very positive out-going girl, but she is actually really shy. I wanted to create the kind of  booklet that unlike anybody else.

The whole book is based on her history and the picture I took of her:wechatimg1wechatimg2

The mean idea of the book is to show the growth of Leyla, from a little girl to a college student. The front and back page were her name, horoscope and the picture of her when she was little. I choose to used newspaper as frame to make it look older. wechatimg13 wechatimg12

wechatimg3The first two pages was all about the key words of her and flowers and pattern that i drew is to show the various interests and colourful life she have now.


The complete look of the first two pages was meant to show people the opposite and contract version of it. The transparence of the paper with keywords background is to show who she is now.

I used her graduation picture without drawing the mouth, because she told me she was happy but sad at the same time, leaving friends and hugging new life. I made my own childish paint as background to show the growth of her from a kindergarten kid to college student. On the right hand side is her favourite quote “Either seem as you are or be as you seem.” 

wechatimg5This two pages were all about the outside of Leyla, and Inside of Leyla.


On the left hand side, the background is high line, where we first get to know each other closer and the sketches beyond were done in class and after class, I put them together to show the different side of her. On the right hand side, is the five key words that I think can represent Leyla as a whole. Fine Art/ Family/ Friend/Expressing/Creating. I made the tag flippable so people can see the drawing that Leyla made herself in other class. To give the feeling like after you found those in Leyla, you can know the real her.

The whole book is really my perspective based, to show how I felt from Leyla, who she is, how she acted and what she likes.


wechatimg11I wanted to make it as the “sister book” of my Profile book, so I decided to make the similar thing. Since the book is going to be about both of us, I tried my best to also used the transparency to show the connection.








The first four pages is all about us in a abstract way, the front and back were the cutout of our face with the things we like to do, where are we from and even what is the most important part to us.

We were doing the I Ching tradition Chinese future telling game in the class, and it turn out completely different. My is the No.59(风水涣), with the idea of bad thing might happen nearly, but it will turn out in a good way. Her’s is the No.37(风火家人), She’s the kind of person always puts family first, and her family business will work out with the help of her.


I’ve been travel to tons of places and lived in more than one cities before I came to New York. However, she’ve only lived in New York other than her home country. As a friend, I really want to take her around and travel together to experience more. That’s why I wrote: “Hey, turn around, I will show you my world.”wechatimg9

I put a picture of me upside down is to show the meaning of: Sometime, you have to look at the thing other way around, to know the real meaning of it. When we meeting people, it’s not easy to know someone at the first place, so try your best and find the story behind…

On the other page is the cut out of our city, City of Izmir and Guangzhou, the background picture was took in highland, as I said, where we first met and become closer. It’s funny because it was written: “Beyond this point you may encounter nude gunbathers.” However, that’s the suggest meeting point we made. LOL.

The mean idea about this project is working with someone that you might not well-known. I guess that’s the biggest challenge to me, but I’m a person who like to work with friends and other people, so we work it out.


Listening and understanding play an important part in this project, understanding why other people behave like that is part of the job. You get to know people well with the story you might never heard, and you share yours. Learning to work with someone else, keep in contact and brainstorming until you get the best out of it. This project is really fun and challenge. However, you I the most from it. It worth it.

Welcome to my world.

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