Assignment 1.2 Dish Set


Drawings in sketchbook:

I chose to draw desserts from NYC because it enforces the idea of eating that relates to dishes. I wanted to make the design fun and playful with bright colors used in the ice creams. Since I started this project after the summer I had many photographs of ice cream treats and decided to use popsicles and ice creams to draw. After drawing the objects in the sketchbook. I scanned the images and drew them in Illustrator.

Illustrator prelim scans


Different preliminary dish designs:

After drawing the images in Illustrator, I played around with various designs of the desserts on the dishes. I tried the ice creams with different opacities, colors, and sizes. I ended up choosing to use the same design for each dish set which includes a large version of the dessert in the middle and two smaller ones on each side with lowered opacities.

Dish Set workspace

Preliminary Dish Set  Layouts:

After figuring out the design for each dish, I wanted to lay out the dishes in a professional layout. Although I included text in this layout, I later deleted it to focus on the design of the dishes rather than the page as a whole.

Dish Set Prelim Dish Set Prelim Dish Set Prelim

Final Dish Set:

I chose a light blue background for the dishes because it is bright and fun, but not too dark to take away from the rich color in the ice creams. I used a light pink background to contrast the light blue plates and match the pinks used in each ice cream treat.

Final Dish Layout

I think I created a successful dish set that is fun it its design and would be functional if made. I thought of myself as the consumer and I would want to own these colorful plates and cup. I spent a lot of time drawing the images in detail and the objects have texture and rich color to represent the ice creams as they are in reality. Through this project, I learned to trace and draw my images in Illustrator by drawing and scanning them. Previously, I had been used to drawing over appropriated images, but this project allowed me to use my own drawings. I like the idea of designing the layout of dishes because it is a different kind of canvas compared to the typical page. I think that designing layouts for various objects can be interesting because it lets the mind think about different surfaces, shapes, and design elements. I would carry this idea with me into design because I would like to continue developing ideas for dish sets so that I can actually have them made. I also think the ideas from this project will carry on into fashion or art in the future because I am better equipped to explore different shapes and objects as surface.

Fashion Design Major BFA Parsons the New School for Design

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