Photography Stills through Time




These photography stills explore the decisive moment in time. From Henri Cartier-Bresson’s exploration, the decisive moment was the height of the image that displayed a connection between the emotional, physical, and mental states culminated in an image. I explored the decisive moment through a variety of still digital photographs.

I also focused on the theme of being embodied in time by portraying gestures. The gestures in these photographs invite the viewer in and remind them of the gestures that they might not be aware that they conduct as well. For example, one can connect with the gesture the child has in the photograph where her posture and body positioning tell the audience that she feels apprehensive and guilty. Another example where the audience could connect to the idea of gesture would be where the woman is smelling the spices and getting lost in her senses. The viewer may not realize they do the same thing, but through the photograph can connect and have that realization.

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Fashion Design Major BFA Parsons the New School for Design

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