[LS] INT. STUDIO: FAKE-Description Of How Artwork Relate To Culture Jamming
Jiahuan Cheng(Eric)
Culture jamming is to describe a type culture in a satiric way. It uses the method of exaggeration, criticize one type of negative aspect of one culture.
The art piece above comes from a fine art print gallery in Chelsea. In the art work, it can be clearly seen that there is a hand holding a shining coin. From the sleeve, it can be inferred that the hand belongs to a well suited person, in another word, a powerful leader or at least he has the right to control something. The coin is shining which let people to think how important it is and the people who is holding it seems to flaunt the wealth and power he has. In this print work, words are important, the words and sentences “POWER” “DEMOCRACY SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER” directly shout out the theme of this art piece which is to ironically saying democracy actually is controlled by those people who have money and the society is not equal because people who are poor can hardly benefit or experience democracy. The whole work is culture jamming because without looking the words, it seems to be a hand holding a coin and does not illustrate that much negative comments to society, but after looking at the words, the work can be categorize as culture jamming.