Real World Font(Eric Cheng)


  The purpose of NYC Real World Font project was to find the 26 English alphabets in the city and take photos of them by following the principles and elements of design. In order to find some alphabets that were unique but easy to find everyday, I walked along the fifth avenue from 12th Street to the Central Park so elements in each photos can be commonly found along fifth avenue. The structure of each photo was well considered especially the location of each real world font being put. I mainly focused on the rhythm and contrast of each photo which could make alphabets stand out of the background. After taking each photo individually, I organized them in Photoshop.

[LS]Int Studio 1 FAKE-Real World Font

Elements of Design:

  1. Line
  2. Form-Shows an object in space, the mass or positive it occupies.
  3. Space-What is between objects, also known as negative space
  4. Texture-The feel, real or implied on an object or its surface
  5. Shape-Area enclosed both sides of a line meet. Shape can be geometric or organic.
  6. Color-Hue. May be complimentary, analogous, primary, secondary, tertiary or part of a color wheel.
  7. Value-The lightness of darkness of object or color.

Principles of Design:

  1. Emphasis-When one area in a work of art stands out more than another.
  2. Movement-The motion created in a work of art. Often use the principe of rhythm to archive.
  3. Unity-The feeling of wholeness or the parts belonging together.
  4. Rhythm-The repetition of lines, shapes or colors to create a feeling of movement.
  5. Contrast-A different created when elements are placed next to each other in a work of art.
  6. Variety-The use of different lines, shapes and colors in apiece of work.

Real World Font-A:Roadblock

Real World Font-A:Roadblock

Real World Font-B:Chair

Real World Font-B:Chair

Real World Font-C:Cup

Real World Font-C:Cup

Real World Font-D:Grip

Real World Font-D:Grip

Real World Font-E:Wall

Real World Font-E:Wall

Real World Font-H:Beam

Real World Font-H:Beam

Real World Font-J:Grip

Real World Font-J:Grip

Real World Font-K:Banister

Real World Font-K:Banister

Real World Font-L:Grip

Real World Font-L:Grip

Real World Font-M:Wall

Real World Font-M:Wall

Real World Font-N:Pipe

Real World Font-N:Pipe

Real World Font-O:Pendent lamp

Real World Font-O:Pendent lamp

Real World Font-P:Banister

Real World Font-P:Banister

Real World Font-S:Bulb

Real World Font-S:Bulb

Real World Font-U:Pipe

Real World Font-U:Pipe

Real World Font-V:Branch

Real World Font-V:Branch

Real World Font-W:Pipe

Real World Font-W:Pipe

Real World Font-X:Scaffold

Real World Font-X:Scaffold

Real World Font-Y:Tower Crane

Real World Font-Y:Tower Crane

Real World Font-Z:Stairs

Real World Font-Z:Stairs

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