Time Project 2: Installation Photos + Video + Reflection

Some images of my multi sensorial installtion are below which don’t give justice to the space as there were audial, scented objects and interactive objects for the audience to walk through. The space was meant to represent myself and the clash between the natural world an the urban. Using structural and visual elements to portray this theme. I wanted the audience to feel as if they were climbing a mountain leaving the city behind taking in the smells and heights of the mountain using flowers as pine to give off scents and then descending down onto a compass pointing West towards my home in Vancouver as they watch the film which they were listening to as they walked in. However as they watched the film again they noticed that the audio and visuals did not match, if there was footage of nature it would be audio of urban city noises and visa versa to distort the audiences natural perception of what they would associate images to sounds with. The link to the video is below and the photos follow.






IMG_0490 IMG_0491 IMG_0492 IMG_0493 IMG_0494 IMG_0507 IMG_0508 IMG_0509 IMG_0511 IMG_0513 IMG_0514 IMG_0515

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