

For this project, I decided to create an infographic that shows some of the best ski and snowboard resorts around the country. I created three different symbols: one for resorts that are family oriented, one showing mountains with terrain that suites snowboarders, and one showing mountains with conditions best fit for skiers. Skiing and snowboarding are hobbies of mine, my family and I go skiing twice a year. I was inspired to create an infographic to display both the resorts we have been to as well as the ones we hope to visit someday. Since skiing and snowboarding are winter sports, I decided to create a color palette consisting of cool hues. There are three different blues in my infographic, each varying in tone, value, and saturation. I also included a cool dark grey. Initially, I had a few warmer tones in my color palette but decided not to incorporate them into my final piece because I felt like it didn’t fit well. In the process of developing my infographic, I had sketched three different formats of displaying my information out. The first sketch was a map of the United States with the mountains pinpointed at their respective locations. The second two sketches had a mountain as the background; while one idea showed the symbols as gondolas riding up the mountain, the other had ski trails with the symbols as signs running along the trails. My final result was a combination of the format in the last two sketches. I had a mountain in the background with trails and gondolas running alongside the mountain. The trails had statistics about the mountain and the gondolas had information about the resort, and I added the symbols onto the trails. My final infographic was very informative, however, it would have been nice if I included a warm color to contrast with the monotone color scheme.

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