Bridge Two: Wong Kyong Dreamwalker

This piece is inspired by Wong Kyong Jung’s personal experience: fighting through years for going to New York City.

She asked me to put the landscape in the work to show her obsession with the city. I went to Times Square, Empire State Building, K-town and random subways, which are representative of the city.

Instead of taking the realistic perspective, I choose to go a little more fictional and abstract way. By beginning with going towards the bed in the morning with first personal perspective, a dream begin, symbolising her longing to go to the city. Then, the scenes of night walking along the streets, is her “dream”. I wrote the words and asked her to record in her native tongue to emphasise the theme, and also at the ending, I took two different versions of shots to indicate her wanting not yet physically being in the city: the one with the figure and the one without. Then at the very end, waking up in the city meaning her dream come true: she is now in Parsons the New School of Design.


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