Acting Fundamentals Week 12 (11/16/16)

Class was nice today.  We warmed up as usual and then moved onto working on the students final scenes.  We got through four of the eight group in a class which was very nice.  Time was used well.  The students performed a walking read of their scenes and then we asked to identify three different “beats” or more in the scene.  This exercise was to help the students figure out when there is a shift in the scene from one idea to another, which is called a “beat”.  I found that some students had different definitions of what a “beat” was.  These other definitions were not inherently wrong, but the point of the class is to find common vocabulary about acting practice.  My faculty member did not discredit the other definitions, they took them and added them to their definition of “beat”.  Some students had a hard time figuring out what the “event” in each scene was.  The “event” should be a short sentence about what the character is doing that the actor can relate to.  I noticed many of the students would go on long paragraphs about what was happening, I think this is due to certain academic training that makes students feel that they need to have long though through answers.  My faculty member explained that the sentence should be relatable and short.  In the end the students understood and were able to come up wit useful “events”

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