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Final Project



Process Photos 

Selected photos for social media façade.

Real life, non-curated photos.



Making the product 

IMG_4919 IMG_4920




I am aware of the time we live in, although I am quite used to it there is something off-putting about these times; Young kids and adolescents being glued to their phones, obsessing over their social media. These times, within the social media world, things are taking a drastic turn in human history which bargains a question; is it for the good or not?

I am an individual who is not anti-social media. Over the course of this year, after numerous conversations on the topic, I have learned the power of social media, and it is not only negative. It allows people all over the world to connect, learn, share and so much more. It even allows people to make a decent income making social media more than a superficial outlet.

With that being said, one can not negate the shallow side of social media where everyone posts their highlight reels to appear thriving in life. This constant facade being held up by a large percentage of people is disturbing. When did peoples truths become ugly, shameful, and indecent to share? We may never know, but we should all strive to be our authentic selves regardless of the platform we are now.

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