Information Visualization Homework 4






Electoral College Votes, Population, and Area by State

Electoral College Votes, Population, and Area by State


In this data set I used color to illustrate the states’ population, size to display the size of the state itself in terms of land, and label to show the amount of Electoral votes.  Through this visualization I can see that the size of a state does not determine the amount of Electoral votes as much as the population does.  For example, the size of Alaska is much larger than Delaware, however their population is around the same size so therefore they both have 3 Electoral votes.   The mean of votes goes to California with 55 Electoral votes.  The most common amount of votes range between 3-7 Electoral votes and commonly exist amongst states that are represented by fairly small circles that are light orange.

Source of Data:

Cleaned Excel file:

Electoral College Votes, Population, and Area by State

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