L500 Kayla L701 Pooja Vanessa L703 Beate Susanna L801 Claire Andrew L802 Luke Anthony L803 Jake Annie L804 Ana Sofia Yiru L805 (1 person only) Marissa L809 Charlotte L811 Stone Noni | L811 L809 L805 L804 L803 L802 L801 L703 L701
I would like to have room L701 for my final project.
701 Please
Any of the rooms with metal desks, so L809, L803, or L801, will work for me!
looks nobody want 811, I am ok with 811, as long as have big white wall the bigger space will work for me . if someone really want to 701 I can switch no problem
is it ok for you to share L811 with me?
701 Please
703 or 811
(Most rooms will work for mine though)