Adobe Audition Basics – John’s guide

Here is an evolving “HOW TO” guide for using the sound editing tool Adobe Audition

1 Comment

  1. laportem · January 18, 2019 Reply

    Hello John!
    This is Michele Laporte; I hope your New Year has gotten off to a fine start and only improves every day! Last semester three students in my Sustainable Systems class created a brilliant three episode podcast, SCRAP’D!, on ethical fashion: As podcasting will now be a regular option for my course every semester, I am finally starting to set up my LP page as a home for this and other aspects of my Sustainable Systems course and ELS activities. (BTW my students used Adobe Audition to create their podcasts). I will start to put my LP together using tutorials but I am wondering if you can recommend someone to help me with it? Even an hour or so in the faculty lab with someone who knows how to do this would be heavenly. In any case, I will keep you updated! In the meantime, be well! Michele

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