
The Song of Love was painted in 1914 by Giorgio de Chirico. The painter was able to create a deep space due to the contrast of the brick background in the left with the black city scape. He also created depth through the scale of the statue face and glove in the front contrasting with the smaller black buildings in the back. There is also a gradual shading of blue in the sky from dark to light.

This painting called The Enigma of a Day was painted in 1914 by Giorgio de Chirico. The space is also deep because there the use of a gradient in the sky becoming dark to light. The shape of the building on the left side gradually gets higher but also smaller towards the end creating depth.

This painting called The Anxious Journey was created in 1913 by Giorgio de Chirico. The painter established a deep setting because of the gradient in the sky becoming dark to light blue. Moreover the tan shape in the left side has a shape that becomes gradually smaller towards the end leading to the building in the back. Moreover the shape has a slant that creates depth.

The Great Metaphysical Interior was created in 1917 by Giorgio de Chirico. The space is shallow since the scale of all the subjects in this painting are similar in scale. Moreover, the subjects in the paintings have an equal amount of shading. The shadows of the easels that the paintings are resting on also have shadows that aren’t dragged and long.

This painting called Green Still Life was painted by Pablo Picasso in 1914. The space is shallow since the table and the background is the same color. All of the objects on the table also have an outline making them appear more flat, they also lack shadows.

This painting is called I and the Village created by Marc Chagall in 1911. The space is deep because the background color is a really deep teal that contrasts with the subjects in the front that are contrastingly lighter. The scale of the animal’s head and the green face in the front are much larger than the houses in the back. The shape of the pink streak also curves making the houses in the background look further away from the subjects in the front.

This painting is called The Duo created by Giorgio Chirico from 1914 to 1915. The space is deep because the scale of the islands in the background are much smaller than the two objects in the center of this piece. Moreover, there’s a gradient in the background sky that gradually gets lighter. The building on the right is a dark shade that makes the pink castle look far because it’s a much brighter pink color.

This painting is called The Nostalgia of the Infinite created by Giorgio de Chirico from 1912 to 1913. The space is deep because of the land in the back that is so much smaller in alue compared to the tower in the center of the piece. The tower is also sitting higher than the building on the right. Moreover, the small scale of the people in front of the tower gives the impression that they’re far away. Moreover, the shadow of the buildings contrasts with the color of the land giving more depth.

This painting called Street, Desden was created in 1908 by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. The space is shallow because there aren’t many variations of color of the people on the left. They don’t look far away because they’re all wearing similar shades of teal. However, the two figures facing us look more in front because they’re bigger in scale, however, they don’t have shadows, lacking depth.

This painting called the Evil Genius of a King was created in 1914-1915 by Giorgio de Chirico. The space is relatively shallow because the shadows of the items on the plank are outlined in black and don’t have gradients in the shadows making the objects appear flatter and more closer together. The subjects that go up towards the back of the plank don’t become drastically different in scale either. Moreover, the left side of the painting is similar in value so they look like they’re not far in the back.


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