Archive for April, 2015

Project III

As a group we had to create a "human wall" with a material or an object - connecting use together-…
Project II:

Project II:

The process was to create a body covering by repeating triangles. We could chose different triangular sizes and angles, and make up…


For this assignment we had to choose between taste, touch and sight, and exaggerate one of those senses on a…
Final Project

Final Project

For the final project we were to use on of our previous designs during the semester, or something new, and…
Space Project (Part I)

Space Project (Part I)

In this project we were assigned to construct some form around gloves to hold them open in some way. Once…

Iteration (Part II)

In continuation with the "Iteration (Searching)" project, we were to choose a design to which we were to iterate upon…
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