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the background turn white when collision happens, also terminal is printing the distance between two squares the same time.
function draw() {
var v1 = createVector(600, 350);
var v2 = createVector(mouseX, mouseY);
rect(v1.x, v1.y, 50, 50);
rect(mouseX, mouseY, 50, 50);
if(mouseX>(600-50)& mouseX<(600+50)&mouseY>(350-50)&mouseY<(350+50) ){
var distance = p5.Vector.dist(v1,v2);


SUN is a therapeutic lighting fixture coordinating different temperature white LEDs and color LEDs to achieve the function of

– Helping people with SAD(seasonal affective disorder) and other anxiety and depression symptoms.

– Being a smart biological Clock adjusting modern schedule for modern human.

Link to Presentation: SUN

Link to Code:

Core Lab – Podcast Response “Future Screens are Mostly Blue”

The topic about the reading “Future Screens are Mostly Blue” reminds me of the Microsoft windows system, how it was a blue screen when you were opening it; the blue screens on TV when they have no input; and whenever you select something on your computer it’s with a blue background.

I read an article taking about why most technology interfaces are blue a while ago. One of the reasons is that blue is a color that represents cold, calm and logic, when it comes to picking a color, the rational programming guys chose this color with no doubt. Compare to the reason the author mentioned in the article that we don’t have much blue in nature, I believe blue exist in lots of places. There are lots of blue flowers and birds existing in the natural world.

Our interfaces is no longer monotone. Like right now I’m tying this our on my computer, it’s mostly black and white with a hint of blue and red. I believe the future of our screens is going to be mostly customized, it could be any color we want them to be. Even if the blue is a default, when I select text on my mac, I customized the background color into a light orange.

I believe that the sci-fi movies is a great way for scientists to get inspired to create new work, and there are a lot of examples to show its good affects. But I believe blue screens are more of an aesthetics choice and it doesn’t have much to deal with new technologies or inventions.

Core Studio – P2P Networks


BitTorrent is a protocol for the practice of peer-to-peer file sharing that is used to distribute large amounts of data over the Internet. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files, and peer-to-peer networks have been estimated to collectively account for approximately 43% to 70% of all Internet traffic(depending on geographical location) as of February 2009. In November 2004, BitTorrent was responsible for 35% of all Internet traffic. As of February 2013, BitTorrent was responsible for 3.35% of all worldwide bandwidth, more than half of the 6% of total bandwidth dedicated to file sharing.

1. Schulze, Hendrik; Klaus Mochalski (2009). “Internet Study 2008/2009”. Leipzig, Germany: ipoque. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-04-01. Retrieved 3 October 2011. “Peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) still generates by far the most traffic in all monitored regions – ranging from 43 percent in Northern Africa to 70 percent in Eastern Europe.”

2. “BitTorrent: The “one third of all Internet traffic” Myth”. TorrentFreak. 24 January 2007. Archived from the original on 26 March 2014. Retrieved 7 April 2013.


People got to know about WeChat iass the Chinese WhatsApp. But that’s no longer the story. In the Newest vision of WeChat, they added some features of P2P network like WeChat Payments. It connects bank card to WeChat account so users can make payments in-app. Users can make transactions happen through 1. payments to WeChat authorized partner retailers 2. P2P (peer to peer) just like venmo, except all the features are included in your daily chatting app. WeChat also partnered with sites and services, two examples are the Chinese Yelp and Chinese Uber. You can groupon pay a meal through the app and also pay for your ride back home with WeChat pay. Since this January 21 million cab rides have been booked via WeChat.



The Skype protocol is a proprietary Internet telephony network based on peer-to-peer architecture, used by Skype. The protocol’s specifications have not been made publicly available by Skype and official applications using the protocol are closed-source. The Skype network is not interoperable with most other Voice over IP (VoIP) networks without proper licensing from Skype. Numerous attempts to study and/or reverse engineer the protocol have been undertaken to reveal the protocol, investigate security or to allow unofficial clients.


P2P for interactive art

There are lots of possibilities of making art through the P2P technology. It could be a light dome that could be easily install in someone’s bedroom or living room. It would be on sale on a website. along with a app you need to download to control it. And everyone who bought this dome can create a lighting system to it and also upload it on to the sharing site, and everyone will have accuses to the site to install the lighting system into their dome. Think of it as creating swatches on photoshop and name it and sharing that swatch online to the Adobe Kuler.

Core Lab – Connected Objects


Philips Hue

Philips hue is a Zigbee controlled led light bulb that’s constructed with four components, app, bridge, portal and lights. To buy a started pack with three bulbs and a tap switch. They can be put into most lamps or decorative lighting device that you buy on the marked. Different from a normal bulb, you can control it via your smart phone. Through the app that Philips developed, you can control the color of the bulb, when it’s white, you can change the warmness of the light. And the lights that you bought can also sync with the music that you play on your phone. Another feature that I really like is you can set up a time when to switch the lights on, like in morning time, the lights can slowly light up to gently wake you up. But through read the buyer’s reviews, a frequent problems is the light bulbs can only be controlled by a phone, some people don’t like the idea of reaching for phone to turn lights on and off and when their phone’s dead they can’t do anything with the light bulbs and there’s frequent problem with the connection via the internet.



Nest 2.0

Nest 2.0 is an intelligent, elegantly designed thermostat system from the creators of Apple’s iPod. You can adjust the temperature using the dial on the thermostat or on its companion apps. Over time, the app will learn your preferences — shutting off the heat when you head for work, for example, and ticking up 10 degrees when your kids come home from school. “Teach it well and Nest can lower your heating and cooling bills up to 20%,” its creators pledge. A basic unit costs $249 on Nest’s website; thermostats are also available at as well as at Apple and Lowe’s stores. The company also offers professional installation, starting at $119 for one thermostat and $25 for each additional unit.


Cloud Fort




Cloud Fort is an interactive light project dedicated to recreate the childhood fort that we built from pillows and couch cushions and the sense of security that the fort brought us.

Arduino and PIR(passive infrared) sensor that are placed on top of the light serve as the interactive part of the project. Any human movement under the light will trigger it to turn on, and it will keep being on for 5 min until it gets triggered again.

The light source comes from two 20 feet battery powered christmas lights, and it’s wrapped around a hemispheroidal shape I made from hard steel wire. And everything is covered by white polyester.

Music: Measurements by James Blake
Model: Rika Konishi

Cloud Room

I want to create a meditative space featuring cloud and light.

It will take place in a small enclosed, windowless room where it will be filled with cotton made cloud as same height as people or even lower, the experience will be mimicking when we travel with airplanes and the clouds are right near us, and for me, it’s a very relaxing experience and release my stress.

The experience I want to create is people will walk in this room to relax from stressing situation, it will be all dark and filled with cotton cloud first, in the clouds there will be some sort of lighting equipment that are connected with Arduino. At the entrance it will be a infrared sensor detecting if anyone walks in. Then when people walk in, the sensor will send it signal to the Arduino which will trigger the clouds to slowly light up and then have this breathing rhythm to it that will make people to be aware of their breathing and can start to imitate and readjust their breathing to the light.

My target audience will be anyone that’s feeling stressed and want to leave the current setting and relax a little.
Cloud Room

Project 2

When I think about the behaviors that I want to change, it comes down to health and mind.
So far the routines I’m trying to alter are
1. to go to sleep earlier
2. to drink more water every day
3. remember to take my vitamin pills
4. to make my daily commute and the time I’m walking around
5. procrastinate less

I chose to improve the quality of the time I spent on my daily commute to school and other places
and also the time that I’m walking around by listening to some good podcast audios.
First I deleted all my music on my phone, then I put the podcast app on the first page of my phone,
it’s been going pretty well, because all the channels that I’m subscribed to has new updates every day,
so I have plenty stuff to listen to.
The way I document will be screen shots..
