


For my final atlas I decided to elaborate on the idea, ‘we reflect what’s going on inside us’.
Especially how we are in a constant conflict that we have within us.

As we have an image of ‘us’ ‘me’ ‘I’ which is inherently non existent. Its an illusion. We haven created a whole persona around our name and a ego but if you really think about we don’t exist.

But what im trying to convey in my piece is this constant fight within us between our natural selves and this image of our self . Thus creating a conflict within us. As we don’t allow ourselves to be out natural self. Society also wont accept us for who we are.

I chose to write contradicting words and emotions on my tights. And arm bands, I chose the color nude to show this “fake” layer of skin we walk around in. In other words our ‘image’ ‘ego’ and I wanted to depict that.

I focus a lot on how we resemble quality’s of a flower and are in many ways like a flower. I wrote a poem of one of the sleeves for the arm band about how we learn from a flower and its one of our most knowledgeable teachers. I express how flowers have balance , which I think we should to. And how from learning from the natural beauty and awe of a flower, we become much like one. And through this process we free ourselves from the conflict within us.

Yet we wont let ourselves encompass this natural beauty due to our conflict within us. The conflict acts as a barrier within us and I wanted to depict that through my map.



[caption id="attachment_38" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The pathway of eyes.[/caption]
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