Final for space fall 2017

Space and materiality final

At first I wanted to creat a bag that folds up to chairs however I changed my mind. I decided I did not want to make chairs and figured it would be difficult to make it a shared space with the ideas I was going for.

This is the basket before it is transformed Into a table.

This was the table layed out.

The picnic table/basket is a shared space intended for two. It can be taken on picnics or to the beach. It’s a transformable basket whose outside gets turned into a picnic basket and a pop up table. You can put inside your food or picnic games. The Fibonacci sequence is is within the fold of the blanket. When unwrapping from the wooden table you unattach the Velcro pieces to reveal the long blanket on both ends. The zipper can be found on an attachable pocket on the side. Where you can find your eating utensils for a picnic. The cantilever is made by the ribbon with causes compression and it keeps the table sturdy. I mainly used wood and fabric to create this. I figured it fairly easy to nail fabric into wood. I enjoyed picking my materials. It was also fun to see the finished project especially because it was successful. The most challenging part was figuring out a way to make the table pop up and not just flip over. I did this by experimenting with hinges. I am most satisfied with the blanket aspect of it. It was fun to sew together and nail into the wood.  I learned that I love when my projects do what I intend them to do.

Lenika Silva, or rather Leni, is a native New Yorker attending Parsons School of Design. As of right now she is undeclared but excited to see what her first year as a student at The New School will steer her towards. She original had set her heart on film but decided that she would like to learn about other forms of media and art that were never available for her at her high school. Some interesting facts about Leni: Leni is scared of pigeons even though she is a Native New Yorker. She lives in Spanish Harlem (they trying to change the name to SoHa (South Harlem) and it pains her soul. She is Mexican so she loves spicy food and can speak Spanish. First Generation college student and she is so proud to be part of The New School Community! Class of 2021

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