Union Square Observations

The corner of union square and university place is filled with the smell of kettle corn if you linger long enough. Its sweet and it lures you in. The big red truck cant be missed by on going commuters. It sits right outside the train station but today it was closer to the side walk. When one approaches others seem to be dragged in. The man selling the kettle corn gives out samples to any who ask. There is a warmth coming the truck as well. There are six flavors and three size options to choose from. You can also ask them to mix them. Many ask for their popcorn bag to be closed others ask for it to remain open. It seems as though it is a cycle when people leave the area around the truck no one walks up to it but as soon as someone gets near it people begin to approach. Their more popular flavors are the original kettle flavors or at least that is how it seems to be. During my observation which could not have been longer than 10 minutes about  8 bags were sold. Also I noticed people walk up to those buying popcorn asking for money.

Lenika Silva, or rather Leni, is a native New Yorker attending Parsons School of Design. As of right now she is undeclared but excited to see what her first year as a student at The New School will steer her towards. She original had set her heart on film but decided that she would like to learn about other forms of media and art that were never available for her at her high school. Some interesting facts about Leni: Leni is scared of pigeons even though she is a Native New Yorker. She lives in Spanish Harlem (they trying to change the name to SoHa (South Harlem) and it pains her soul. She is Mexican so she loves spicy food and can speak Spanish. First Generation college student and she is so proud to be part of The New School Community! Class of 2021

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