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Project Two- Final Prototype Images

My final prototype turned out a lot better than I first anticipated, as it featured a removable satchel to attach and remove to any water bottle you earn. The blue colour scheme was used and followed throughout the design to catch the buyers eye, as well as the large logo copied on to the front.

Project Two – Prototype Photoshoot

I had a very clear idea in mind of what angles and props I wanted to use in my product photoshoot, to ensure that the images were clearly displaying how the product worked and functioned. The images show how boring old salads can taste so much better with the product. Changing the models emotions in between images, shows how the persons outlook on health has changed since she bought this product, making the buyer want to feel the same as the model. The images also show off the design of the bottle and clearly display the logo “Healthy Happiness” so the buyer is aware of the brand. 

Project Two – Analytical Drawings

The analytical drawings I chose to use for my prototype illustration was the section, elevation and isometric drawing to portray and describe the size, scale and the way the structures are put together.

Drawing One: Isometric drawing



Drawing Two: Elevation drawing



Drawing Three: Section Drawing




Project Two – Research

American obesity is an issue that continues to advance and grow every year. Statistics support this fact and state the reasoning for this growth in obesity is due to the large portions, inactivity and unhealthy eating habits in American people. NBC News released information that shows that almost 40 percent of American adults and nearly 20 percent of adolescents are obese, these are the highest rates on record in the U.S. Dr Frank Hu, chair of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health states, “The trend of obesity has been steadily increasing in both children and adults despite many public health efforts to improve nutrition and physical activity.”. The continued weight increase in the youngest Americans is especially worrisome for long-term health. One in five adolescents, ages 12–19; one in five kids, ages 6–11, and one in ten preschoolers, ages 2–5 are considered obese, not just overweight. Overweight and obese children have a higher risk to stay obese and childhood obesity is linked to a higher chance of early death in adulthood. Overall, 70.7 percent of Americans are either overweight or obese, meaning that an unhealthy weight has become the norm. While visiting the U.S. for the first time from Australia, I became widely aware of the large portions and amount of ‘junk food’ and fast food chains there are here, and how easily accessible they are to people. When I compare the American lifestyle to the Australian lifestyle I see the large difference in eating habits and the overall healthy lifestyle of people.

Project Two – Logo

‘Healthy Happiness’ is the name of my brand, which describes the moral of the company and intrigues buyers. The product is aimed at a way to lose weight in a healthier and less restrictive way. It ensures that people remain happy and enjoy themselves while being on a “diet” in order to feel more confident in their bodies. The circular effect adds to the design and correlates with the same colours used in the spray satchels. The flower design in the middle of the page captures the buyer’s attention, as it represents happiness, which is part of the branding of the product.

Project Two – Product Description Paragraph

Healthy Happiness is a design that focuses and targets the issue of obesity, as our society gradually suffers more and more from this issue. In a society full of fast food chains and busy schedules, people generally tend to reach for the cheapest and quickest food options. By designing a product targeted at people struggling to eat healthy due to financial, time and unhealthy eating habits, in order to make their boring salads taste like a creamy chocolate chip ice-cream. The buyer will purchase the water-bottle, as well as liquid inserts, which come in several different flavours. The satchel wrapped around the bottle will make the product easily accessible to use for the buyer and will allow the buyer to detach and apply it to another water bottle. This product will help solve the issue of obesity in society and make a healthy lifestyle easier for people to follow.

Project Two- Sketches

Idea One: Relaxation Hub

Materials/Elements involved-

  • Glazed Glass – shelter from the busy streets and distracting lights
  • Greenery – Relaxing atmosphere
  • Stairs
  • Sliding Dome Doors
  • Bed and Cushions – Comfortability
  • Speakers – Relaxing music to shield the busy street noise
  • Diffusers – Pleasant, clean aroma



Idea Two: Taste Better Spray 

Materials/ Elements involved-

  • Water Bottle
  • Spray Bottles
  • Cutlery
  • Plates

Project Two- Two Prototype ideas

Idea 1: Taste better spray bottle

This idea follows them with the idea of obesity, as the issue grows bigger in society. Children are now growing up and are repulsed by the idea of eating fruit and veg, instead of chocolate and lollies. The spray bottle will feature several flavours, attached to the sides of your water bottle, making it easily accessible to the user. This spray will be sprayed all over the food you’re eating to make it taste like chocolates and sweets people crave. This invention will help with the issue of obesity, as it progressively gets worse.

Idea 2: Relaxation dome in the city

The idea of relaxation in a busy city like New York is almost impossible. With the bad smell, loud noises, freezing cold or humidity and people everywhere, this device will be placed in several places all over the city for when people need a break. They will be infused with the smell of your choice, peaceful music, glazed windows and comfortable beds to relax. This idea will help with mental health issues as well as allowing people to take a break from their busy lives living in a 24hr city. The device will allow no phones or technology, it will allow time for relaxation and thinking.


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