Time: sound


My sound piece is all recorded from Chinatown Hong Kong Supermarket and I mixed my pieces to make a artwork to illustrate loneliness. From my expectation, I want to depict a situation of going to places alone, getting groceries alone and going back alone by starting my sound piece with only the sound of the cart and all the noises from supermarket while ending with the sound of the bus. Including the sound of water from the fish boxes, sound of grabbing a plastic bag, putting potatoes in to the plastic bag, and refrigerating, I want to add more layer to the environment and contract to the single sound with the beginning and the ending.

In my piece, I used each short sound record at least twice and with stretches and squeezing to make the “noise” part. By doing this, what I learned the most about Premiere is all the tools with stretching and pacing. Even though I probably still have to try hundreds of times on each clip to make sure that every piece is finally becoming what I want, it’s great to try everything for this project to get familiar.
The biggest improvement of this project is about the volume. As what some of my classmates pointed out that my “noise” part is kind of too loud to make them relate to loneliness and I do agree on their opinion. Next time I should pay more attention to the overall effect of the piece.
Here are the volume and simultaneity graph of “Arrival in New York” and my sound piece:

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