Critical Studio: A Gift


This is the cover of my gift — a gift for myself. In middle school, I used to have time to write diaries but I don’t have time anymore in high school and college. So because of this and the first project we did in critical studio class, a graphic novel, I decided to write myself something.

Above are pictures of my first “chapter”: stay strong and two pages in the chapter.

In this chapter, I wrote about the experience I had in my Cultural studies class and the protects I went to with two of friends, Kaya and Annah. Also, I encourage myself to finish doing things that I said I wanted to. For instance, go and study Japanese and take the N-1 level test this summer, which is kind of like a SAT level exam.

Above are the chapter page and two other spreads in this chapter of my book. “love yourself”.

I wrote about how I felt when I was surrounded by people who don’t share a similar cultural background with me and how awkward was it for me to communicate about or defend my country. It was really surprising for me that I can find a mirror-like page to represent that I know myself much better because of the environment. My favourite page in my book.

Starting with a page of my favourite poem about love. The URL below is a website page with both the original Chinese version of the poem and the translated version of it. If, my viewers would want to check it out.

In the last chapter, I wrote about reflections towards my relationships with other people. I feel sorry and sad I didn’t talk a lot to my grandparents like they did to me when I was little before they passed away. And I also feel sorry that I am not nice to my mom and couple of my closest friends. I wrote to myself that “please” call them and say you miss them very much.

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