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Piranha Swimming Pool [Processing Game]


This is a tweaked flocking processing project. It’s a game. You have to use arrow key to guide Bob to swim to the other shore, the green zone, avoiding all the piranhas in the pool. NIGHTMARE!!!


The online version have bugs!! So you can always win. Good for you~


As world becoming "digitalized", I am exploring the complex correlation between the digital and the physical, the virtual and the real. Through research and project, I'm answering how virtual and digital experience is perceived, and how it can be better applied, along with things like physical computing, to people's life for better working and living experience. I’ve done various forms of project: wearable technology, digital interactive graphics, data visualization, short films and UX design for company collaboration system. I have never limit the possibility of learning and taking use of new forms or new materials. Like a vintage typewriter that uses intelligent coding to type out a poem to wake you up, a short research documentary to observe how people perceive the fake but virtual information embedded in a daily life environment, a raincoat that seal itself using magnets. Actually, most of my works challenged the application of new materials and new forms, while deliver interaction with human experience in a respectful and playful way.

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