Poster Research








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These are contemporary posters based on my topic

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These are the posters from the Cooper Hewitt Museum that really caught my intention. I personally loved the cut and paste method, as well as the fonts used so simplistically in the posters. Furthermore I am attracted to posters that have a central image, as seen in the posters above. I would like to incorporate “double meaning” in my poster as well, as I feel that allows the audience to interpret a very different and personal meaning out of it.

What “imperative” topic will your poster address?

For my final poster I have decided to address the idea of media taking over our minds, and brainwashing us. Whether this be television or the social media platforms we use daily.

 Why did you select this topic?

I am extremely passionate about this topic as I feel even though social media is a great platform to keep in touch it also messes with our minds. I have deleted Facebook and snapchat for a while now, as I feel that people only show what they want others to see rather than who they truly are, and this is through the influence of social media. Furthermore, I feel like people are way too hooked to social media platforms that it has literally taken over their lives in not the most positive way.

What persuasive message will your poster communicate?

My poster will visually communicate how ridiculous it is that we are allowing ourselves to be slaves of social media


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