Project 3:Final Presentation Documentation

Washington Square Park, a 9.75 acre public park in Greenwich Village, used to be a potter’s field where poor, sick women and the cities undesirables were buries. The guilty were executed here and after their death they were put in the ground with others. However, today, the park is operated by the New York City Department of parks and Recreation and many of the surrounding buildings are owned by New York University. I decided to choose this location because of the schools near by that don’t have a campus. I believe that a campus is important because of the greenery surrounding it which helps students with their mental health. In my case study, I researched on why connecting with nature can elevate your mental health. Students’ mental health and well-being become elevated when people experience some kind of engagement or connection with the larger world, outside of themselves. Another case study I found is how bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your mental health and physical well being by improving mood, reducing feelings of stress or anger, taking time out to feel more relaxed, helping you make new connections, and provide peer support. For my project, my goal is to allow students to take break from social media, technology, and school, allowing New Yorkers to recharge from the fast paced city, and a space where students are able to study and relax. I made several site analysis which shows what people were doing by the area I want to place my design:

Lastly, my final design is shaped as a dome and its main material is glass. I want the people who enter this enclosed space to feel like they are still located at Washington Square Park. Inside this enclosed space, will have a snack bar, free access to all books, magazines, and games. However, to enter, you need to donate a book, game, or bring snacks. The main feature of this enclosed space is how there will be no signal or wifi. Additionally, electronics will be kept in a locker. I want to let those who come to this space to experience the calmness and feel relaxed without having to worry about social media, the city, or school.

28. April 2019 by Jaimee
Categories: Defining Place | Leave a comment

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