Kombucha Leather UPDATE MARCH 2022

Kombucha leather duration: 3.5-4weeks

Location: Bathroom

Average Temperature: 75-80ºF

Findings: The Kombucha leather grew sparsely at first producing small bubbles/islands of matter. As the week continued I kept the mixture covered to hopefully increase the growing rate of the leather. As the formula was in the bathroom, I kept all doors closed in order to seal the temperature in and hold the room at a constant average temperature. However as the bathroom wasn’t a controlled environment, certain components of the experiment fluctuated. Those included: Temperature (any fluctuations occurred through showering, washing hands, the fan/heater, leaving the door open, and leaving the window open in adjacent rooms. Light: as the formula was to be kept in a dimly lit room, fluctuations in consistency could be seen in using the lights, leaving them on, or again light from an adjacent room were to creep in. As it was in a frequently used area of the apartment I was never away from the substance for too long and was able to take care of it despite any minor interruptions that may have occurred.

The growth was fast but has plateaued slightly due to it shifting into its formation stages. The solution should be ready to be cultivated in a weeks time. In this next week I can begin the drying process and create an object or mold in that time.

I’m actually quite satisfied with the process I’ve completed up until this point. I’ve checked in consistently, maintained an average temperature, and prevented any invasive matter from entering the area.


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