Conscience -Final



Decisions that we make everyday root off of something. Whether it is apparent or subliminal. This raises the question as to whether the consciences of human beings can have any influence on the serious issues, also whether a lack of conscience is a significant cause.  It must be recognized that society has largely failed to have any conscience in the past. Our conscience consumes our mind. When people say that they have that gut feeling to go about something, that is our conscience speaking to us. Every person has a conscience, which is like an alert system meant to send warnings when a behavior or decision might be harmful. This makes it possible for people to distinguish between what is morally right and morally wrong. In my video or photo series I want to show a person sitting in an empty room with two TVs on each side of them. One TV would represent the negative conscience and the other will represent the positive. I want to show the battle we face with our inner conscience on to do the right or the wrong. I want to link this with inner selfishness. In the end it will show how conscience is to powerful and over takes the subject.

The theory of  color interaction fits well for my video to show the mood shift of positive to negative with bright vibrant colors to powerful ( red) and dark (black) colors. For the video portion, semiotics plays a role with the different symbols such as fire to be negative, and disney clips for childhood.

