
by Susanna Treacy

He’s on his way. Crap.

Is this outfit okay? I definitely look fat, don’t I? Does my makeup look perfect?

Oh god, I also have to act perfect! How do I act around a guy?
My best friend gives me a look.

Susanna, just be yourself. You’re right.

I’m the most confident, secure girl out there. I can give a strong speech as student council treasurer;; I can finish first in a track race as the team’s captain;; I can draw anything I want quite well in art class;; I can sing the soprano part in choir;; I can get an A on my research paper!
I gotta stop stressing out, clearly I can handle anything. This is nothing!

He’s here, but I’m ready.
We drive to the next town. Nothing but small talk, easy stuff.

How’s your day?
Good so far!
So you still want pancakes right?
Yes! Do you?
Cool because i’ve been craving chocolate chip. Sounds yummy! Maybe i’ll get the same.

We park, and then we start walking to the restaurant. I make sure i have my stomach sucked in, so i look thin;; I keep my chin up, so I can avoid the horror that is double chin;; I smile and i hold his hand, so i look cute. There’s a line when we get in, so I keep the small talk going. He interrupts me and gives me a small kiss.

Your table is ready! I’M NOT.

He kissed me already? My head isn’t so clear anymore. As i timidly walk towards our table, I tell myself over and over again to collect myself! It’s going to be fine.Just be student council treasurer, be calm, and keep your words clear;; be track captain, be confident, and keep everything positive;; be an artist, be creative in your discussions, and offer interesting points of view;; be a choir member, be energetic, and talk about music, he loves music!;; be an honors student, be insightful, and try not to sound so damn stupid.

So how’s your junior year going?
Oh it’s been great, i’ve been managing all the work very well. Good for you!
Thanks, how’s your senior year going?
It’s been amazing, best year yet.

This is going nowhere. Tell him about yourself! Loosen up a bit, you look stiff! I ordered pancakes, at least i’m not the fake kind of girl that orders a salad on the first date! Tell him stories about your friends!

So, it’s cool you jam sometimes with my best friends!
Oh yeah, they’re the best!
I wish I could play an instrument, but I can sing pretty well.
I know, we used to sing that solo together in choir class two years ago. Oh my god, we did! I forgot about that!
Yeah you are really good!

I begin to feel some nerves escape my body. I see the waiter walking towards the table. Try not to hold the knife and fork like a ravenous man from the middle ages. I’m trying my best to eat like a lady, but it just doesn’t come naturally! I fork a giant piece into my mouth. Try to cut smaller pieces! My eyes bug out, there is a piece of pancake dangling from my mouth. I can’t fit anything else in my mouth! You have no choice, use your teeth to cut that part off. I watch it fall to the plate. I can feel my face burning up. I must look so red right now. I look up at him.

He’s smiling.
Don’t worry, i’ll pretend i didn’t see that.

I laugh.
He thinks you’re cute. But i’m acting so silly!

I guess this is how I am with my closest friends. I can be silly;; I can be hyper;; I can be fun;; I can even be kinda gross;; Well, that’s who you are. But I don’t look impressive at all. Well he’s laughing and smiling, and he wasn’t doing that so much before.

I hope you don’t mind, I’m a messy eater. I usually eat with my elbows sticking out.                                                        Doesn’t bother me, I like how confident you are!

I can’t stop laughing.

Maintaining a healthy balance between work and play is a lifelong challenge that begins from the delicate time of childhood. Discipline, hard work and success are best complimented by play, laughter and friendship. As a Fashion Design major with a focus in childrenswear, I have discovered that my smartest ideas have spawned from my silliest moments. Living in New York City has given me endless opportunities to seek adventure and fun. I take those experiences into the studio at Parsons School of Design and try to create something new and exciting. I design garments that are multi-functional for a child. Rompers that double as sports practice attire, or dresses that double as art smocks are garments that encourage children to succeed in their areas of interest, while providing functionality for their busy schedules. Recently, I took this concept a step further and began to design school attire that incorporates crafty features that allow children to play with their clothes. Tops you can paint on, vests you can weave together, and jackets with patches you can take on and off give a child a fun activity that allows them to express themselves. Using classic silhouettes and clean lines, combined with non-traditional materials and bold color pops, I try to give recognizable staple pieces something new and unique. I don’t research ideas; I let them come to me naturally. I often go to toy stores, playgrounds, and bookstores and let my inner child run free. Usually, I will stumble across something that sparks a new idea. Next, I begin to design. My 2D designs are guided by my 3D discoveries. I can’t draw a garment until I know how and if it will work. To begin, I create tons of swatches to test combinations of fabrics and attachments. Next, I test different crafts and transformative ideas. Once I know what works, I begin to draw my designs in Illustrator. I use simple silhouettes, which serve as a canvas for the more intricate features. The challenge is to create something that is simple, smart, and durable, while still appearing chic and stylish. In a society where kids are pressured with increasingly heavier loads of homework and unrealistic standards for success, it is very difficult for so many to find a healthy balance between work and play, which is crucial. If I could create something that gives them the ability to play and boost their confidence, then I would feel like I made a difference. Going forward, I will continue to build on this concept and expand my knowledge of craft and wearable tech. Working more directly with children during my process will allow me to connect with their ideas and opinions. In order to design for a kid, sometimes I have to think like one. One day, I hope to start my own line and share my vision with the world. I believe everyone should spend their lives smiling, not stressing. As Mary Poppins said, “in every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. Find the fun and the job’s a game!”

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