About me.



My obsession for new founds is my motivation for my works, it can be new founds of anything, or even new found ideas that are not able to be physically seen. My inspirations are mostly from contemporary arts, or more specifically conceptual arts, conceptual artists’ new presentation of existing found objects or concepts also had influence my works a lot. Besides, new ideas and concepts hidden from daily conversations are also majority of my inspirations.


I am interested in exploring new ways to work and present. I always found the process of transforming abstract ideas or concepts to imagery, or something concrete and solid are stimulating. I enjoy the process of anticipating the viewers’ psychological response to my work, seeing their reactions and listening their comments are my spiritual enlightenment.


I am recently searching on the definition of beauty, and its relations and connections among perfections and imperfections. Perfection and imperfection are always subjectively linked to beauty and repulsiveness. However, I believe both beauty and repulsiveness are existing in everything; beauty should also be found in imperfection, so as perfection does not always symbolize beauty. And seeing everything under this statement, including things that you cannot physically see but feel, makes me curious on finding the hidden beauty of everything, and the hidden beauty makes everything seems to be better also. Putting such an abstract concepts in my works is challenging, but I am looking forward to explore more on this topic, and turning the concept into a solid work.