Seminar 2 : Cross-Course Reflection

The works that I created have ranged in meaning and medium – though a common denominator throughout my work hints to my interest in the human psyche. Studio 1 & 2, space and materiality, 3D-modeling, and sustainable systems relate in the way of constructing 3D works of art. Drawing and imaging, objects of history, 3D-modeling, […]

Studio 2 : Play Design Challenge

Play Design Challenge What are the social-constructs that go into how play spaces are imagined and built? You have been observing and reflecting on existing places in NYC the last few weeks for Bridge 2. For this next assignment you will employ your observational and research skills to design a play structure, playscape or toy […]

Seminar 2 : Artist Statement

As a 19-year-old artist and designer, I am still in the midst of discovering where my voice, interests, and strengths lay. I am interested in constructed environments and how they shape human experience, as well as studying the interior space of the human mind with psychology, philosophy, and non-fiction writing. Though the conceptualization and realization […]