Object – Nikon n55
My partner selected this object because photography is what she wants to do as a career, and it is very important to her.
This object is valuable to my partner because she has been using cameras and doing photography for a long time. Photography was a way for her to meet a lot of different people that she wouldn’t have been able to interact with otherwise. Also, it was something that she and her brother bonded over, so over time she has become classically conditioned to associate her camera and photography with her brother.
This object is typically used for taking pictures.
The value of this object is typically defined by how much value the owner gives it, the age of it, and whether it is a hobby or a career.
The aspects of this object that I find most interesting are not so much the actual object, but more so the sentimental value of the object. I took a film photography class last year for college credit and I absolutely hated it. Since then, my interest in trying photography kind of dissolved.
My goal in replicating this object is to make the copy more organic.