Monthly Archives: December 2014

Artistic Statement (FINAL BOWERY PROJECT)
Artist Statement
Integrative Seminar 1
December 11, 2014
For Integrative Seminar we were heavily challenged to create a “museum” to display artifacts found in the Bowery area in Lower Manhattan. After taking trips to the Bowery we quickly observed the night life, which consisted of a lot of lights. We also did research and gained interest in the CBGB, which was a music club that opened in 1973 on Bowery street. The club soon became a famed venue of punk rock and new wave bands, like the Ramones, Television, Patti Smith Group, Blondie, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, and Talking Heads.
CBGB also had a infamous bathroom which was known to be dirty, and covered with graffiti. So we decided it would be a great idea to based our project, specifically the environment surrounding the artifacts to display a similar theme. I particularly enjoy making Graffiti, so this was a fun addition. We choose artifacts such as, cigarettes, liquor bottles,ra zors, money and a dime bag. We also included tape cassettes and our recreation of “dope” and other recreational drugs.
The chosen artifacts portrayed the “rock and roll” “F*ck The World* mindset that was heard throughout CBGB. Using spray paint we spray painted several layers onto foam core which would be the “walls” of the bathroom. The liquor bottles would double as artifacts and to house glow sticks which would light up the display. We also made a toilet and added broken glass to add to the look.
Overall I believe our portrayal of CBGB was well made. Our artifacts were well chosen and explained in our signage. The graffiti is eye catching and wires which were used to hold artifacts gives the look that the artifacts are floating. Even if you look closely you will see the words that were graffitied are rude and fit with the Rock and Roll theme. Posters of bands were also p
Sustainable Systems : Strange Weather project
The Sky Changer would be a “toy” for younger children and teens which allows them to alter the sky. The filter would be interchangeable and could also be made by the children themselves. The filters are labeled with smog, snow, strange weather. The main purpose is to have kids be more observant on the sky by allowing them to alter it themselves.
Anthropocene Project