7/9/16 – Tony Hiss & R. Murray Schaffer

In Tony Hiss’ In Motion: The Experience of Travel he explains travel and how it expands the human mind letting us learn more about ourselves and surroundings. He explains how travel can also be people just going to work, shopping or even walking home. I believe my professor made me read these pieces to look at the world differently, also to help us use our minds to create. This makes me want to go out into the city and capture every little thing. I think during these three weeks I will incorporate this essay in my photographs by going up to people or things that may not stand out and find the “travel” in them.

In R. Murray Schaffer’s “I have never made a sound” it discusses how each sound contributes to the world. Even people who are listening create sound all together. Sound is more important than sight, it leads us to places and helps us open our minds to the world. Without sound, the world would not be what it is. Sounds identify each thing and makes it what it is in this world. We can mimic these sounds in our art so they will not be forgotten.

Overall, both these essays explain the importance of our surroundings. So, while I am capturing the city I want to take in each little thing and create something beautiful with it.