learning post #2

Le smoking is very famous, it is not only because of how beautiful it is, how glory or chic it is, but also because the smoking jacket is made for women. It is almost the earliest time that women can dress like a man and smoke like a man. On the most famous smoking lady photograph, the lady stands like a man, like a masculine man. That advertisement absolutely satisfied women’s desire, how much they want to break the boundary of gender. That is another reason why it becomes so popular at that time. “Gender as ‘softly assembled’ in a complex articulation of the body, time, psychology, and culture space.” [1] The first try of across the boundary of gender blurs it, on the other hand it approved that the boundary of gender or sex is not as strict as it looks like. Fashion has the possibility to across the gender, and fashion should not be limited by gender.

[1] Susan B. Kaiser, Fashion and Culture Studies (Bloomsbury Academic, 2012), 124.

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