1. Project title


2. Worn-form (garment – torso-oriented)


3. Portable form (bag/chair)

Tote bag

4. Which of the above is “active” / which is “dormant”

Tote bag is dormant and the raincoat is active

5. What TWO SPACES (social / ecological) do the above represent?

I wanted to represent the internal and external function of the body, where the raincoat represents the outer protection externally and the bag holding a function internally.

6. Where’s the Polyhedron? 

The polyhedron that I will be using on my design is tetrahedron, which will be implemented on the back of the raincoat as a design, and the design of the tote bag.

7. Where will the zipper be?

The zipper is on the sides of the tote bag, which will go all the way down from one end to the other

8. How are the two forms connect – via a plane/an edge – and where are each form?

The two forms are connected such that the back side of the raincoat is attached to the whole front side of the bag. The bag is exactly the size of a rectangular cut out shape of the raincoat and will be attached on to the shape, which will have the edges also connected on the same end of the coat.

9. What materials will you be using?

I will be using vinyl and hologram stickers

10. What methods will you be using?

I will be only sewing for this project

11. What is your budget?


12. What will you be repurposing?

I will be repurposing a shower curtain into a raincoat



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