sustainable system

Through this semester, particularly in this class, I have learned quite a few things,  from a design, practical and executing perspective, from the classmates, the professor, also more that just that.

Possibly like many others, I used to think school is not the most significant matter, whereas now, I have realized that school matters enormously. Your standard, vision and way of thinking changes depending on the experience in school.

I am having the privilege of working with and observing these future artists , my peers, for a long time. As a student, meanwhile a inquisitive observer, I’ve been particularly interested in watching the ways of others who is capable of building strong sales of themselves; How did the competent ones convince and handle others .

Determining on other’s behaviors, the feedbacks I received, the reactions I noticed, I understand the correct way of doing certain things in the future. Especially it is intriguing to watch the interaction and distinction among every single one in such environment. It feels most natural to focus on creating work with broad teammates. To me, every peer in this class has their very own potential.

This final project is just one of the experimental opportunities like many others. However being in a group is the closest state of a working circumstance. It would be a lie to say this class has a life changing influence on me, But the experience is just as valuable as others. It is delightful, to be here.img_7116 img_7118 img_7119 1 2

1 Comment

  1. Michele · December 22, 2016 Reply

    Very nice LP documentation for this course CK. I am glad that you enjoyed being in this class– we definitely enjoyed sharing this time with you! I do hope that you continue to flourish in this environment and in every circumstance that you find yourself in. And I hope that your influence on your environments will be as beneficial as possible too. You have great skill and an excellent heart/mind! ML

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