
Three, for me, is not only a number. It can also represent shapes, rules and groups. Number 3 was written as “三” in Chinese character. It is made of three parallel lines in different lengths. Three started to have a shape when I learnt how to write it in Chinese. 

I got to know another shape of three when I was taught to draw a triangle. My math teacher told me triangle is the most stable structure among all the geometric shapes. That’s why triangular structures are used frequently in architecture. Then, three started to have its personality, stable.



I learn more about three when I grow up. In my first sketching class, I was taught to draw a cube. That’s my first impression of 3D. When I was observing the real cube, I could only see three sides. And I drew what I saw on the paper. My teacher said, this is three dimension. 

The first 3D movie I watched was Avatar. I can never forget the feeling when I watched it. When I put on 3D glasses, the blur image on screen suddenly became clear and real. It seemed like the characters were right there in front of me and talking to me. The characters were no longer just plane images but touchable real creatures.


Three as a rule was known for the rule of thirds. It is widely used in photography. It is the process of dividing an image into thirds, using two horizontal and two vertical lines. When I position the most important element  at these intersection points, I feel it is such a magic rule that assist me to produce a more natural image. I used it in the compositions of my drawings, paintings and photos.


Three often appears as a group in many movies, novels and artworks. Many of them have three main characters. For example, my favorite comedy movie, 3 idiots.

But it also generates a new thinking for me. Although ‘three’ can create a stable structure in architecture, what about ‘three’ in human relationships?

Will the relationship, or friendship become stable or vulnerable when three people come together? 


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