2/3 Undiscovered


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Kiana’s fear of the Mariana’s Trench is shown in this piece as the texture and painting of the piece represent ocean waves. It also shows a feeling of being weighed or pulled down, as though it would happen if Kiana were to visit the Mariana’s Trench. By having a tentacle wrap up around Kiana’s neck, it also puts her on edge because she can see and feel what is wrapping around her entire torso. My use of the complementary colors blue and orange, I relate the piece to pop art such as Andy Warhol’s soup cans.

Something sticky was wrapping itself around my ankles, pulling me down, down, deeper as I felt more of the sticky rope-like thing curling itself further up my legs and waist. I didn’t know what was below me, as I knew if I looked down I would see only darkness, and I must keep it so I could see some sunlight. However, the light was slowly disappearing, and I knew I would soon have no visibility.”


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