2/4/17 Journal + Art

After my first semester of college, all it seemed that I could think of was how excited I was for my printmaking elective. I would be doing something that I enjoyed so much as a senior in high school and I couldn’t wait to jump back in and learn new techniques. Fast forward through winter break, and it’s the first Monday of class. Come to find out, it seemed I had already learned everything I needed to know from this Intro. to Print class in the basic class I took in high school. I was pretty disappointed, but what’s the worst that could happen from learning something twice?

With a professor who I can’t even tell if he respect me as a student, and feeling as though I lack severely in creativity when it comes to his projects, I’m losing motivation. When I was younger I fell in love with the works of Andy Warhol. I loved learning about all of the processes of printmaking, I loved that it was like layering in photoshop but ‘the old way’. So why is it that one professor and one bad project is making me so stressed to the point of tears, and having me question my art career all together? I know that I can do more than printmaking, and printmaking isn’t even my major, but I’m still so bothered by it. I think it’s because I came into the class thinking I knew what was going on, and knew what I was going to be doing, but even the same techniques can seem like rocket science when there’s new materials and new projects to go along with them I suppose.

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