bridge 4 reflection


I researched three things. Sterling silver, which is what majority of jewelry nowadays is made with. I also did a lot of research on why/how we has humans interact with jewelry, citing several academic sources in my paper/annotated bibliography about how jewelry makes us aware, and allows us to dive deep within our inner-being through a none human world. It also can be argued that jewels and gems play a critical role in our acute education of the senses. As I got more in depth with my research, I started thinking about how this can be applied to different cultures and races. It is no secret that when people think of jewelry they associate as an indicator of socio-economic class and use it to make assumptions about race and class. So I tried to think about what jewelry meant to me as I was growing up, and I thought about grills, and jesus pieces, which are heavily seen in the hip hop community.

My aesthetic choices through out all 3 posters was to mirror these things that I researched in a simple but convincing way. However, after crit, I think that I could have done a lot more to the posters in order to communicate my ideas better. For example, the 3rd poster was supposed to seem like a magazine cut out/collage of grills that mirrored what I felt when I grew up about jewelry, but because of my lack of knowledge of photoshop, instead the poster just came out sloppy, distracting, and unfinished. In the future, I will definitely take this and everything else stated in the crit and apply it to future projects.





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