Bridge 1: 100 Drawings

When Nicholas gave me his drawings I thought of two routes I could go. First, I could arrange a random grouping of them and be done, or, second, I could select ten that would all line up. What I found was this was extremely difficult, creating a line between just three of the drawings was too difficult so I realized my bunchings had to be a lot tighter. The entire process of lining the drawings up took around 5 minutes and took up about a third of the space the drawings would have initially. I will admit I was not very satisfied with the final product, I began to run into the problem of the thickness of the lines. I ended up having to group all of the thickest areas into one large clump with the lines beginning to thin out towards the left. At first, I stared at the piece and could not make anything out of it but after turning it ninety degrees counterclockwise, I began to see the roots of a tree. I do not have the eye of an artist but I believe the grouping would be interesting to turn into the roots of a tree and doing so by continuing to use straight lines only. It also looks like a road map, the thicker lines and areas being water and the thinner lines being the roads. I think the curation is open to many interpretations….



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