Luke’s Grid of 9

I would like to research the deforestation of the Amazon and how it would affect human society. This deforestation will cause several species to the danger of extinction.  I would like to study the anatomy and physiology of these animals to illustrate with quality.

  1. Series of illustrations about the Guardian of Amazon who fights against the loggers. There will be several endangered animals surrounding the man from the tribe, having a gaze towards him.
  2. Experimentation with plants or mole. Create a “bonsai” with lighting, watering, and cutting, but with plants from Amazon. Talks about how long it will take to grow them and how much energy it consumes etc. (Good scientific research required and it is risky considering the outcome)
  3. Create a sketchbook about the animals with anatomy and physiology. With the description of how they are endangered.

I would like to research the butterfly effect include scientific evidence and examples in the past. The global pandemic started from a guy at a small village in China, which is one example of the butterfly effect.

  1. Interactive projection starting from the symbol of the butterfly effect. There will be a narrative when an audience touches it(this requires heavy coding)
  2. Video work surrounded by butterflies. The video will be about the narrative of the butterfly effect. It can be fairly abstract as long as the audience understands the concept just by looking at it. 
  3. The installation creates a butterfly effect, like a domino.

I would like to research the economic flow in the past crisis. This pandemic period caused many businesses to shut down, and big enterprises had no other option but to fire people. As history repeats itself, learning from the past would be the best way to find the strategy to live for the next few years. This concept can be very “valuable” to certain people.

  1. Install a 10 euro bill in a showcase box and title it 100 euros to question the value of art and money.
  2. Economical database in history projected on a space. I want to make it enigmatic and not easy to understand the data. 
  3. A documentary about a guy who made his life after the crisis.

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