Thesis Concept, Prototype I, and Prototyping Statements

Concept Statement

Context; I am researching deforestation, and how the search engine leads you to what you want to see instead of what the truth is. The deforestation is something that takes more time to fix once it’s done, and I think it is important to know the facts and a story about it. The research about the search engine is personal to everyone because it applies to anyone who uses the internet. I am interested in how Youtube exactly works to keep the user’s engagement, as a user who watched youtube almost the entire summer.

Intention; I am planning to create 5 illustrations into one piece to illustrate a story in the Amazon rainforest about the tribe, a title it to give a riddle to the audience, and then the description gives an entirely different view on my artwork.

Impact; my goal of this project is to show the strategy towards the spectator’s engagement to this piece. The aesthetic of this artwork mainly targets eco-friendly people and naturalists. When audiences see this artwork, some of them would see the title. There will be less audience who will read the description, and I want to create a twist in an understanding of the concept for those who read it. The understanding of the audience between those who read it and who enjoy the aesthetic will have a different view of the artwork. While my artwork creates attention to the environmental issue and possibly showcases the piece of AI(depends on if the audience read the description or not), it also plays with the existence of description versus the aesthetic of the artwork. The more you try to see, the deeper you think. It is the goal of my work.


Prototyping Statement

  • It’s still at the planning stage, and I am not sure what would be the critical issue at this stage yet. Although, there are many subjects to be solved such as how to make the frame and how to import the paper. I also wonder about the space for the exhibition.
  • The prototype gives a sense of how the final drawings would look like. Especially I am thinking about creating on a big scale, I have to test print and see the details until it follows my perfection.  I also have no clue about making the frame yet, but I am thinking about solving this problem next semester when the illustration is ready. I want to use Washi paper(Japanese crafted paper), but I need to import it from Japan after been printed.

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