Domains and Precedents – Jonathan


There is a few commonalities I noticed in the precedents and I discovered I want to incorporate in my artwork. I definitely want the piece to be interactive and dynamic, and somehow react to the viewers, maybe in unexpected ways; it should remind of an ecosystem that changes with different conditions. I also really like the idea of incorporating water (in digital, filmed or real form) to communicate my topic interests, I think it relevant for all my domains. The usage of internet sourced material, headlines, posts or comments is very interesting as well and works with the generative / evolving idea. For the form, most of my ideas are web art or installations with technical component, maybe the two could be combined for my project.


Stories on water

Interactive web-based digital water surface, reacts to mouse movement and clicks. Interaction triggers audio of people sharing stories about water. Questions: Where should the audio be sourced from, interviews with experts, text-to-speech social media posts, films / news, viewer submissions? Could this also work in an exhibition space?

Video projection reacting to human activity

A projection based installation that shows nature images / videos of nature sourced from online (google images?). The imagery reacts to activity recorded in the space, showing human influence on nature. Questions: Where is the imagery sourced from and how is it selected? What metrics are used to measure human activity (temperature, sound, motion)?

Anthropocene News

Webart site that uses news headlines on environmental topics / natural disasters and remixes them to predict what will happen next. Can also be displayed as an installation. Questions: Should it just display or read out the titles? Should it actually look like a feed or more organic?


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